So we have what we call "The Fun Zone" in our home. It's the family room but we've furnished it in a way that is suppose to be fun, and I think we've accomplished that. Essentially it's stuffed w/ Max's toys, books, my computer desk w/ computer, graphics tablet, t.v. and brightly colored play mats on the floor. Do to the nature of this room I felt I would start digitally altering some of my favorite photo's and hang them in the fun zone to make it that much more fun. This picture is my first digital alteration, I only have eleven more to go. It's a picture of sweet little Max when he wasn't even a year old. I had just pulled him out of the bath, wrapped him in a towel and plopped him on our bed. It's the cutest little picture of him, in fact one of my favorites so this is the first one I chose to alter. Too much fun as always.
Other then that, it's the same ole' thing for me around here. We're getting ready for Terry's promotion on Friday. That should be a great time, we've got lots of wonderful friends and family coming in for the event. Can't wait. We're even going to have an early Thanksgiving dinner since we'll all be together. What fun is that!!!!
Gotta run, happy day all.