About Me

My photo
I'm a Digital art enthusiast, wife and mom, triplet, California girl to the core, love wine, digital scraping, good times w/ friends and family, travel, cool technology, great car design and beautiful paper. I've recently discovered blogging and I love it. I hope that I'll start to make great friends with similar and not so similar interest's as mine in the blogosphere.

Gardner Max

Gardner Max
2 year old Green thumb Max

Monday, May 10, 2010

The best Mothers Day gift ever

Yesterday (Mothers Day) was spent cleaning the house after my 40th birthday party the night prior. It was unseasonably cool so most of the day was spent indoors even after the cleaning was done. I was pooped from the party and party prep the night before so I did not mind at all just hanging out with Terry and Max. I did spend some time trying to take advantage of good light to take pictures of some of the thoughtful gifts people brought. I'll post those later. Max decided he wanted to ham it up for the camera then so I was able to get some cute snap shots of him. Here's one for ya. It's RARE that he's cooperative for picture taking so I seized upon the opportunity. He's a wonderful boy, I'm so grateful to be his mother.

Happy day everyone,


  1. And it was a good party. Happy Birthday, Jane!

  2. Thank you, I had fun too. I had a great time taking pictures of the beautiful tulips you gave me. I'll post those later.

  3. Cute picture!!! We enjoyed your party -- it was worth all the hard work....at least I think so...ha!
