About Me

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I'm a Digital art enthusiast, wife and mom, triplet, California girl to the core, love wine, digital scraping, good times w/ friends and family, travel, cool technology, great car design and beautiful paper. I've recently discovered blogging and I love it. I hope that I'll start to make great friends with similar and not so similar interest's as mine in the blogosphere.

Gardner Max

Gardner Max
2 year old Green thumb Max

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Arrggghhhh, I see Pirates!

Argh, their be pirates Matey
We're settling back in from a wonderful two weeks in Hawaii. It was heavenly. Our second week we stayed on the win ward side of Oahu, specifically Lanikai where we saw all kinds of wonderful Hawaiian things, one of which was none other then the "Black Pearl" of Pirates of the Caribbean. We knew it was tied off at Kanehoe Bay where cast and crew were filming but other then taking a quick site seeing trip out with the hopes of ssatisfying Max's curiosity we did not see it. Fast forward three more days, I was rounding up kiddo's for a day trip out, went out the back of the house in search of something (probably a missing flip flop, or sunscreen) when I happened to glance up and low and behold out on the horizon was this very old looking sail boat. "Wow", I thought, "Its hard to believe a boat that old can still float" when duhhhh it hit me, OMG that's the Black Pearl. I yelled for all of the kids to have a gander, grabbed my camera and snapped a few shots. Regrettably the boat was too far away to identify any bedraggled but still cute Captain Jack Sparrow's. Aye Matty, no matter, still fun to see the boat and play with the image in Photoshop.

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